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Fletter Consulting Group, LLC

Fletter Consulting Group, LLC


About Us

Boutique consulting focused on long-term strategy and sustainable innovation.

I'm excited to share a new offer from Fletter Consulting - the Executive AI Utility Package. If you're looking to unlock the power of AI and improve your business operations, but have limited resources, this package is the perfect solution. With Fletter's expertise and guidance, you can access cost-effective AI tools and solutions to gain a competitive edge. Contact me if you're interested in learning more!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the business landscape, offering innovative solutions and competitive advantages across various industries. Developing a robust AI strategy is essential for organizations to effectively harness the potential of AI technologies and maintain a competitive edge. The AI Mosaic Model provides a comprehensive framework for designing and implementing an AI strategy that addresses seven critical dimensions. Our white paper explores each of these dimensions and provides insights into how they can be effectively managed to create a successful AI strategy. Read more about how you can implement AI and what we're doing with it at our blog:

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